Change Your Mind - Transform Your Life

Change Your Mind - Transform Your Life

Resources + Current Offerings

Take the Leap

In my book Take the Leap, I share a series of short stories about life experiences, overcoming obstacles, and the importance of perseverance.

Master Your Money Mindset

In this course I share with you how to understand your current mental programming around money and more importantly, how to write a new blueprint to live in the freedom and security you seek.

Becoming Unlimited

In this full immersion self-study course you will learn how to get unstuck in life and break the habit of being yourself. The next best thing to working with me 1:1!

Mind Over Matter Podcast

Podcast episodes drop 2x a week. Get tips & tricks on creating a better reality - on all podcast platforms.

YouTube Channel

New videos published weekly. Learn tools to reprogram your subconscious mind and create your ideal reality.

1:1 Coaching

Are you seeking change in your life but don't know where to start? I provide accountability and structure to help you create clarity and winning habits to transform your life.

© 2022 Heather Hakes LLC

Resources + Current Offerings

Take the Leap

In my book Take the Leap, I share a series of short stories about life experiences, overcoming obstacles, and the importance of perseverance.

Master Your Money Mindset

In this course I share with you how to understand your current mental programming around money and more importantly, how to write a new blueprint to live in the freedom and security you seek.

Becoming Unlimited

In this full immersion self-study course you will learn how to get unstuck in life and break the habit of being yourself. The next best thing to working with me 1:1!

Mind Over Matter Podcast

Podcast episodes drop 2x a week. Get tips & tricks on creating a better reality - on all podcast platforms.

YouTube Channel

New videos published weekly. Learn tools to reprogram your subconscious mind and create your ideal reality.

1:1 Coaching

Are you seeking change in your life but don't know where to start? I provide accountability and structure to help you create clarity and winning habits to transform your life.

© 2022 Heather Hakes LLC